Results for 'Osias L. Schwarz'

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  1.  7
    Unconventional ethics.Osias L. Schwarz - 1936 - Washington,: Perennial publications.
    A Psychologico-Ethical Study Of Human Parasitism, Its Effects, Causes And Cure; And A Philosophy Of Human Life And Aspirations Based Thereupon.
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  2. Tomorrow's Unconventional Ethics.Osias L. Schwartz - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:562.
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  3. Linguistic innateness and its evidence.Margaret L. Atherton & R. Schwarz - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (March):155-168.
  4. Affective causes and consequences of social information processing.Gerald L. Clore, Norbert Schwarz & Michael Conway - 1994 - In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.), Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 1--323.
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    Beyond Storytelling: New Directions in Grass CriticismDer Erzahler Gunter Grass.Ann L. Mason & Wilhelm Johannes Schwarz - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (2):10.
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    Regulation of Overlapping Surgery: Progress and Gaps.Elle L. Kalbfell & Margaret L. Schwarze - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):74-76.
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    Two faces of temporal binding: Action- and effect-binding are not correlated.S. Tonn, R. Pfister, A. L. Klaffehn, L. Weller & K. A. Schwarz - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 96 (C):103219.
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  8. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles.Norbert Schwarz & Gerald L. Clore - 1996 - Guilford Press.
  9. Feelings and phenomenal experiences.Norbert Schwarz & Gerald L. Clore - 1996 - In Norbert Schwarz & Gerald L. Clore (eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. Guilford Press. pp. 2--385.
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    The effects of action choice on temporal binding, agency ratings, and their correlation.K. A. Schwarz, L. Weller, A. L. Klaffehn & R. Pfister - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75:102807.
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    Development and Psychometric Assessment of the Healthcare Provider Cultural Competence Instrument.L. Schwarz Joshua, Witte Raymond, L. Sellers Sherrill, A. Luzadis Rebecca, L. Weiner Judith, Domingo-Snyder Eloiza & E. Page James - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801558369.
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  12. Clinical hermeneutics: Failure of an approach to clinical practice.Markus K. L. Schwarz - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (3):355-359.
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  13. Helping elementary preservice teachers learn to use curriculum materials for effective science teaching.Christina V. Schwarz, Kristin L. Gunckel, Ed L. Smith, Beth A. Covitt, Minjung Bae, Mark Enfield & Blakely K. Tsurusaki - 2008 - Science Education 92 (2):345-377.
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    Better Conversations for Better Informed Consent: Talking with Surgical Patients.Margaret L. Schwarze, Robert M. Arnold, Justin T. Clapp & Jacqueline M. Kruser - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (3):11-14.
    For more than sixty years, surgeons have used bioethical strategies to promote patient self‐determination, many of these now collectively described as “informed consent.” Yet the core framework—understanding, risks, benefits, and alternatives—fails to support patients in deliberation about treatment. We find that surgeons translate this framework into an overly complicated technical explanation of disease and treatment and an overly simplified narrative that surgery will “fix” the problem. They omit critical information about the goals and downsides of surgery and present untenable options (...)
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    Never run a changing system: Action-effect contingency shapes prospective agency.Katharina A. Schwarz, Annika L. Klaffehn, Nicole Hauke-Forman, Felicitas V. Muth & Roland Pfister - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105250.
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    The British abroad: The grand tour in the Eighteenth Century.L. D. Schwarz - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (4):641-641.
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    An unrecognised agent in the deformation of rocks.Ernest H. L. Schwarz - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):385-402.
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    The volcanoes of griqualand east.E. H. L. Schwarz - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):98-112.
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    Withdrawing Ventilator Support for a Home-Based Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient: A Case Study.J. K. Schwarz & M. L. Del Bene - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (3):282-290.
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    Coherency strain and precipitation kinetics: crystalline and amorphous nitride formation in ternary Fe–Ti/Cr/V–Si alloys.B. Schwarz, P. J. Rossi, L. Straßberger, F. Jörg, S. R. Meka, E. Bischoff, R. E. Schacherl & E. J. Mittemeijer - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (27):3098-3119.
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    High-level gravels of the Cape and the problem of the karroo gold.E. H. L. Schwarz - 1904 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 15 (1):43-59.
  22. Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840.L. Schwarz - 2001
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    Hanoverian London: the making of a service town.L. Schwarz - 2001 - In Schwarz L. (ed.), Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840. pp. 93.
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    Conflict in the intensive care unit: Nursing advocacy and surgical agency.Kristen E. Pecanac & Margaret L. Schwarze - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):69-79.
    Background: Nurses and surgeons may experience intra-team conflict during decision making about the use of postoperative life-sustaining treatment in the intensive care unit due to their perceptions of professional roles and responsibilities. Nurses have a sense of advocacy—a responsibility to support the patient’s best interest; surgeons have a sense of agency—a responsibility to keep the patient alive. Objectives: The objectives were to (1) describe the discourse surrounding the responsibilities of nurses and surgeons, as “advocates” and “agents,” and (2) apply these (...)
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  25. How Anticipation of Agent-Regret Can Undermine Clinical Decision-Making.Carrie Thiessen, Margaret L. Schwarze & Peter A. Ubel - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):26-28.
    A surgeon offers an imperfect kidney (Kidney Donor Profile Index1 > 85%) to a patient for transplantation, knowing that it poses a higher-than-average risk of complication. However, the organ is ne...
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    The orange river ground moraine.A. W. Rogers & E. H. L. Schwarz - 1900 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 11 (1):113-120.
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    The teanskei gap.A. W. Rogers & E. H. L. Schwarz - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):66-75.
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    L'Ecole de Marbourg.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (2):303-304.
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    Notes on the recent limestones on parts of the south and west coasts of Cape colony.A. W. Rogers & E. H. L. Schwarz - 1897 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 10 (2):427-435.
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    The rocks of Tristan d'acunha, brought back by H.m.S.Odin, 1904, with their bearing on the question of the permanence of ocean basins. [REVIEW]E. H. L. Schwarz - 1905 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 16 (1):9-51.
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    Unearthing the entangled roots of urban agriculture.Jonathan K. London, Bethany B. Cutts, Kirsten Schwarz, Li Schmidt & Mary L. Cadenasso - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):205-220.
    This study examines urban agriculture (UA) in Sacramento, California (USA), the nation's self-branded “Farm-to-Fork Capital,” in order to highlight UA’s distinct yet entangled roots. The study is based on 24 interviews with a diverse array of UA leaders, conducted as part of a five-year transdisciplinary study of UA in Sacramento. In it, we unearth three primary “taproots” of UA projects, each with its own historical legacies, normative visions, and racial dynamics. In particular, we examine UA projects with “justice taproots,” “health (...)
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    Language in Bioethics: Beyond the Representational View.Justin T. Clapp, Jacqueline M. Kruser, Margaret L. Schwarze & Rachel A. Hadler - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-13.
    Though assumptions about language underlie all bioethical work, the field has rarely partaken of theories of language. This article encourages a more linguistically engaged bioethics. We describe the tacit conception of language that is frequently upheld in bioethics—what we call the representational view, which sees language essentially as a means of description. We examine how this view has routed the field’s theories and interventions down certain paths. We present an alternative model of language—the pragmatic view—and explore how it expands and (...)
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    La sagesse de Socrate: philosophie du bonheur.Fernand Schwarz - 2010 - Auxerre: Viamedias.
    La force de Socrate fut d'enseigner et de pratiquer un art de vivre que l'on a appelé philosophie : il y a avant et après Socrate. Une philosophie vivante et profondément humaine qui invite à découvrir pas à pas le bonheur en tirant les leçons de crises de l'existence, en apprenant l'art du dialogue intérieur, et en prenant possession de sa vie par une méthode de travail sur soi, toujours actuelle malgré les 2500 ans qui ont passé depuis.
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    The path of ambivalence: tracing the pull of opposing evaluations using mouse trajectories.Iris K. Schneider, Frenk van Harreveld, Mark Rotteveel, Sascha Topolinski, Joop van der Pligt, Norbert Schwarz & Sander L. Koole - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Deregulation vs. Re-regulation.Jiri Schwarz - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (4).
    The classical liberal approach to deregulation is based on the consecutive elimination of state regulatory activities and their substitution by competitive market structure. Increasing competition accompanied with decreasing arbitrary state agencies’ interventions will undoubtedly cultivate the behaviour of market agents and bring benefits to consumers.The classical liberal approach to deregulation is incompatible with the EU deregulation model, which in case of network industries is still based on the permanent existence of regulatory agencies, Third-Party-Access, public service liability, centralized control of investments (...)
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    Weighty data: importance information influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices.Iris K. Schneider, Michal Parzuchowski, Bogdan Wojciszke, Norbert Schwarz & Sander L. Koole - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Immanuel Kant. Ein lebensbild.Hermann Schwarz - 1907 - Halle a. S.,: H. Peter. Edited by Ludwig Ernst Borowski, Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann & E. A. Ch Wasianski.
    Vorwort. -- I.t. Darstellung des lebens und charakters Immanuel Kants, von L.E. Borowski. -- II.t. Immanuel Kant geschildert in briefen an einen freund, von R.B. Jachmann. -- III.t. Immanuel Kant in seinen letzten lebensjahren ; ein beitrag zur kenntnis seines charakters und ḧauslichen lebens aus dem thaglichen umgange mit ihm, von E.A.C. Wasianki. -- Schlusswort.
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  38. Der Gottesgedanke in der Geschichte der Philosophie, Erster Teil : Von Heraclit bis Jakob Böhme.H. Schwarz - 1913 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 76:666-667.
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  39. Der Gottesgedanke in der Geschichte der Philosophie. 1. T. Von Heraklit Bis Jakob Böhme.Hermann Schwarz - 1913 - C. Winter.
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  40. (1 other version)Die psychologie des Willens, zur grundlegung der Ethik.Hermann Schwarz - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 51:656-659.
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    Labelling classes by sets.M. Victoria Marshall & M. Gloria Schwarze - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (2):219-226.
    Let Q be an equivalence relation whose equivalence classes, denoted Q[x], may be proper classes. A function L defined on Field(Q) is a labelling for Q if and only if for all x,L(x) is a set and L is a labelling by subsets for Q if and only if BG denotes Bernays-Gödel class-set theory with neither the axiom of foundation, AF, nor the class axiom of choice, E. The following are relatively consistent with BG. (1) E is true but there (...)
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  42. Newton, Goethe und die Entdeckung neuer Farbspektren am Ende des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.Olaf L. Müller - 2013 - In André Karliczek & Margrit Vogt (eds.), Erkenntniswert Farbe. pp. 45-82.
    Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre einen Angriff auf Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben lancierte, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene Parameter der newtonischen Experimente, um neuen Spielraum für Alternativen zur Theorie Newtons zu gewinnen. Dabei erzielte er durchaus Erfolge. U.a. entdeckte er das Komplement zum newtonischen Spektrum (das aussieht wie dessen Farbnegativ und durch Vertauschung der Rollen von Licht und Finsternis entsteht). Kürzlich hat der Wiener Maler Ingo Nussbaumer (...)
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  43. Remarks on Black Hole Instabilities and Closed String Tachyons.J. L. F. Barbón & E. Rabinovici - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (1):145-165.
    Physical arguments stemming from the theory of black-hole thermodynamics are used to put constraints on the dynamics of closed-string tachyon condensation in Scherk–Schwarz compactifications. A geometrical interpretation of the tachyon condensation involves an effective capping of a noncontractible cycle, thus removing the very topology that supports the tachyons. A semiclassical regime is identified in which the matching between the tachyon condensation and the black-hole instability flow is possible. We formulate a generalized correspondence principle and illustrate it in several different (...)
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    La question de l'intellect agent dans le Clipeus Thomistarum (1481) de Pierre Schwarz.Serge T. Bonino O. P. - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:163.
    At the end of the Middle Ages, the friar Dominican Peter Schwarz wrote The shield of the Thomists. It is a handly book of philosophy in which he presents the main thesis of thomist school, between them is the theory of active intellect.
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  45. Sage mir, welche Blaus Du siehst, und ich sage Dir, wes Landes Kind Du bist. Protestnote gegen Eurozentrismus in der Farblinguistik.Olaf L. Müller - 2021 - In Matthias Claudius Hofmann (ed.), Grüner Himmel, blaues Gras. Farben ordnen Welten. pp. 40-51.
    Um die menschliche Farbwahrnehmung zu durchleuchten und nach transkulturellen Invarianten oder Variationen zu fahnden, pflegen anglophone Forscher seit Gladstones Pionierstudie aus dem Jahr 1858 zu untersuchen, wie die Farbwörter in den Sprachen anderer Zeiten und Länder funktionieren. Während die beachtlichen Ergebnisse dieser Forschung aus neuerer Zeit sehr wohl ins Schwarze treffen könnten, ist ihre Methode kritisch zu sehen: Bei der Untersuchung fremder Sprachen und Wahrnehmungsweisen erscheint es unstatthaft, eine bestimmte Ordnung des Farbenraumes vorauszusetzen, die auf Newton zurückgeht und selbst in (...)
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    Lukács After Communism: Interviews with Contemporary Intellectuals.Eva L. Corredor - 1997 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Since the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the validity of Marxism and Marxist theory has undergone intense scrutiny both within and outside the academy. In _Lukács After Communism_, Eva L. Corredor conducts ten lively and engaging interviews with a diverse group of international scholars to address the continued relevance of György Lukács’s theories to the post-communist era. Corredor challenges these theoreticians, who each have been influenced by the man once considered the foremost theoretician of Marxist aesthetics, to reconsider the (...)
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  47. Newton in Grönland. Das umgestülpte experimentum crucis in der Streulichtkammer.Matthias Rang & Olaf L. Müller - 2009 - Philosophia Naturalis 46 (1):61-114.
    Newtons experimentum crucis hat ein komplementares Gegenstück, d.h. ein Experiment, in dem die Rollen von Licht und Schatten genau ausgetauscht sind. Statt wie Newton in der Dunkelkammer zu experimentieren, müssen wir das Komplement des experimentum crucis in einer Streulichtkammer aufbauen (deren Wände sog. Lambertstrahler sind). Wenn es dieses umgestülpte Experiment wirklich gibt, dann liefert es für jeden newtonischen Beweis einen umgestülpten Gegenbeweis, dessen Konklusion die Heterogenitat der Schatten wäre (also die Behauptung, dass nicht weißes Licht, sondern schwarze Schatten eine heterogene (...)
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  48. Die Neuvermessung der Farbenwelt durch Ingo Nussbaumer. Eine kleine Sensation.Olaf L. Müller - 2008 - In Zur Farbenlehre: Entdeckung der unordentlichen Spektren. Wien, Österreich: pp. 11-20.
    Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre (1810) versuchte, Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben anzugreifen, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene Parameter der newtonischen Experimente, um neuen Spielraum für Alternativen zur Theorie Newtons zu gewinnen. Dabei erzielte er durchaus Erfolge. U.a. entdeckte er das Komplement zum newtonischen Spektrum (das aussieht wie dessen Farbnegativ und durch Vertauschung der Rollen von Licht und Finsternis entsteht). Ingo Nussbaumer hat Goethes Methode kongenial fortgeführt. Dabei (...)
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  49. La question de l'intellect agent dans le "Clipeus Thomistarum" (1481) de Pierre Schwarz.Serge-Thomas Bonino - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:163-184.
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    P. Collmer, H. Kalinna, L. Wiedemann : Kirche im Spannungsfeld der Politik. Festschrift für D. Hermann Kunst, herausgegeben von Paul Collmer, Hermann Kalinna und Lothar Wiedemann, Verlag Otto Schwarz & Co, Göttingen 1977, 356 pp. [REVIEW]Jürgen Wilhelm Winterhager - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):317-320.
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